Blog Corporate de Marketing si PR online

Rezolutii anti-criza pentru 2010

Mediatic, 2010 a inceput “promitator”, cu un prohod generalizat al economiei: scumpiri, somaj, faliment etc. Vorba aceea: si-asa ne urnim greu dupa vacanta, hai sa ne aducem continuu aminte cat de greu ne este si cat de multe motive am avea sa ne taiem venele. Culmea, tot umorul – tipic, neaos – ne salveaza de la depresie. Cum discutam astazi cu un grup de actuali si viitori specialisti in PR: acum, ca intregul glob este in criza financiara, parca aratam si noi mai putin prost. Cum s-ar zice, traim un nou trend socio-psihologic care seamana – patologic si ridicol de mult – cu un… concurs: “care capra e mai bolnava si da semne ca moare mai repede: a mea sau a vecinului?”.

Mda… Facem noi haz de necaz, dar asta sigur nu ne ajuta la nimic, ba, dimpotriva, nu face decat sa ne batatoreasca drumul spre consolare si blazare. Pai, cum sa depasim, dragilor, criza cu asa atitudine? Ce-ar fi sa ne suflecam manecile si sa punem osul la treaba? Sa ne plangem mai putin si sa muncim mai bine? Sa gandim mai analitic si sa actionam mai chibzuit, in interesul nostru si al celor pe care ii sustinem prin proiectele noastre? Pana la proba contrarie, eu cred in vorba lui Einstein: nu exista provocare fara criza, iar provocarile sunt motorul inovatiei si al progresului.Asa ca eu, una, m-am hotarat sa provoc criza: en garde!

Si acum va las sa savurati vorbele lui Einstein – aparute in volumul “The World As I See It”, in plina recesiune economica (1934):

“Let’s not pretend that things will change if we keep doing the same things. A crisis can be a real blessing to any person, to any nation. For all crises bring progress.

Creativity is born from anguish, just like the day is born from the dark night. It’s in crisis that inventiveness is born, as well as discoveries made and big strategies. He who overcomes crisis, overcomes himself, without getting overcome. He who blames his failure to a crisis neglects his own talent and is more interested in problems than in solutions. Incompetence is the true crisis. The greatest inconvenience of people and nations is the laziness with which they attempt to find the solutions to their problems.

There’s no challenge without a crisis. Without challenges, life becomes a routine, a slow agony.

There’s no merit without crisis. It’s in the crisis where we can show the very best in us. Without a crisis, any wind becomes a tender touch. To speak about a crisis is to promote it. Not to speak about it is to exalt conformism. Let us work hard instead. Let us stop, once and for all, the menacing crisis that represents the tragedy of not being willing to overcome it.”

Categorie Anti-criza